EdTech 543: Creating a Positive Learning Environment (curated content)

For this week’s module, we were assigned to pick a topic and use a curating tool to find 25 resources that aligned with our topic. I chose the topic of ways to create a positive learning environment. I used the tool Scoop It and loved it! I had no idea that such amazing tools existed. Before this discovery, I was a person that would  just bookmark resources that I found valuable and then struggle to find it later when I needed it. Those days are long gone and I can now organize everything in one place according to each topic! I am very excited to use this tool again. Click here to view my curated content!

Click to look at my self-assessment using our group’s curation criteria.

EdTech 543: Thoughts on Social Media!

I am very excited about this Social Networking course! I use social media frequently in my personal and professional life. I also teach about it! I am a high school Marketing teacher and we discuss different social media platforms and how companies utilize social media marketing. As technology and social media continue to evolve, it is interesting to me to see how it can have both positive and negative outcomes for companies that have a presence on social media, resulting in a good or bad brand image that can change at any second!

I have used Twitter and Facebook for awhile so I am very comfortable with both platforms. In module one, I learned about something new, TweetDeck, which I think will be quite helpful! I have never used Diigo before and am interested to see what it is all about. I am a quick learner and am ready for the adventure!

As far as professional development, I use social media to search topics that I need help with (classroom management, marketing curriculum ideas, etc.) and have participated in a few discussions such as #edtech chats. The last class that I took, EdTech: 537: Blogging in the Classroom, I used Twitter and Edublogs to communicate with classmates, share and read blog posts, and discover new users to follow that would benefit my curriculum area. I am looking forward to learning how I can utilize social media more professionally.

I use social media (Twitter specifically), frequently as a means of communication with my students. I have a teacher Twitter (@plsgilin) and another Twitter account for our school business club, DECA (@papiosouthdeca). In my advanced marketing course, we have used Facebook to create pages to market products/services, Twitter to create a specific campaign for a company, and LinkedIn to professionally share information. I am looking for ways to effectively use social media more in my regular marketing class for things such as discussions or other unique ideas!

I would like to learn more about how enhance my social media use both personally and professionally and how to incorporate social media more in the classroom. I am very excited form this course and am looking forward to learning about new social media platforms and skills!
