Hello world!

Ally here from Omaha, NE. I am a High School Marketing Teacher and DECA advisor and I will be using this blog as I journey to obtain a Master’s Degree  in Educational Technology  through Boise State University. Having a blog has always interested me, but I have never really looked into creating one, knowing that I probably wouldn’t keep up on posting. I would say that I am more of a reader than a writer when it comes to blogs. I love reading what other people and teachers have to say and seeing what resources and ideas they have to share regarding education, sports, photography, traveling, life, etc. I am a BIG sucker for what my friend like to call “listacles” (lists + articles) such as EliteDaily, BuzzFeed, The Odyssey, etc. and find myself reading these posts daily. I definitely enjoy the comical side of things and how relatable these posts are! Maybe I will try to incorporate this into my own…

I am actually excited to be writing my own blog. I’m not going to lie it took me a long time to decide on the theme that I wanted! There were many great options, but I had to keep reminding myself that I am not a photographer! Who knows…maybe I’ll get a little artsy eventually. Stay tuned for an updated cover photo! With that being said I will now attempt to add a picture to this post. I am a big believer in being a positive person and teacher and thrive off of good vibes. I instill this in my classroom because I think it is so important to get to know your students and if you create a classroom environment that is warm, friendly, fun, positive, and safe, students will want to be there and it will be a great place to learn. I strive to apply this to my every day life and anyone that I meet.

Thanks for joining me on the ride. Good vibes everyone.
